Conference Programme


23. November 2018

9.00    Open Doors    

9.15    Welcome Address: Erich Landsteiner, Head of the Department of Economic- and Social History   

9.30    Keynote I :

Consuming sex, producing sex - recent interests and open questions in historical research
Pascal Eitler (Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung)

10.30    Coffee break    

11:00    Panel 1: Legal and social normalisation of homosexuality

“Get a Move On, Mr. Butler”: The Business of Homosexual Legal Reform
Justin Bengry (University of London)

“Normalizing” Lesbian/Gay Identity Through Consumption: The American Experience in the 1990s.
Fred Fejes (Florida Atlantic University, Palacky University

12.20     Lunch break

13:30     Welcome Address by Sebastian Schütze, Dean of the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies

13:40     Panel 2: Sex-work / Sex-markets

Sex as consumer good in the context of prostitution. The political stance of German and Italian sex workers in the 1980s and 1990s
Mareen Heying (University of Düsseldorf)

Big business at hidden places - The development of small-scale sex businesses in Cologne between the 1960s and 1980s.

Elmar Gracher (University Göttingen)    

"The world's capital of sex" - Negotiations, practices and sites of sexuality and consumption in Pattaya, Thailand.
Raphael Reichel (University of Tübingen)

15.40    Coffee break    

16:10    Panel 3: Sexualised consumer goods and material culture

The 1963 Which? Contraceptive Report, British Standard 3704 and anti-commercial action against the condom in 1960s Britain.
Jessica Borge (University of Strasbourg)

Male deodorant usage and changing masculinity in the 1960s and early 1970s Finland

Matleena Frisk (University of Helsinky)

24. November 2018

10.00    Keynote II

Erotic and pornographic reading materials in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries: distribution and consumption
Christine Haug (Center for the Study of the Book, München)

11.00    Coffee break    

11:30    Panel 4: The medialisation of sexuality

Licentious Underworlds: The Commodification and Regulation of Sexuality in Antebellum American Popular Culture
Heike Steinhoff (Ruhr-University Bochum)

Consuming sexual health: Viennese sex education films of the 1920s
Katrin Pilz (Université Libre de Bruxelles, University of Vienna)    

Advertising Sex in Late Victorian Britain
Anat Rosenberg (University of Cambridge)

13.30     Round up discussion